Why is olive oil good for beard? Beards are objects of fashion. We are living in the moment when they thrive. All diverse styles are out there, starting from modest soul patches and ending with lush, Gandalf-style beauties. And, opposite to a common view, wearing a beard doesn’t mean that you can skip shaving and let all this beard hair grow wildly however it wishes. Wearing a beard means much more care than clean shaving.

It includes, among everything else, caring for the facial hair and ensuring its healthy and groomed look. Thanks to the fashion trends, the market is flooded with beard hair products, including beard oils, butter, waxes, and whatnot.
You may also use the products that are already available to you and have occupied their permanent place in your home. Yes, I am talking about olive oil.
Priceless nectar that makes any, even the simplest, dish more delicious, elegant, and flavorful, olive oil can be used unconventionally, too. Precisely, as a care product for the beard hair.

We are going to explore the impact olive oil has on the hair, on hair growth and health, and, of course, on the way it looks. Afterward, you’ll be properly equipped to make an informed decision on whether you can use olive oil to take care of your beard.
Olive oil: treasury of health
This spectacular product not only improves the taste of any dish but also enriches your body with essential vitamins and microelements. But what about the impact of olive oil on facial hair?

Olive oil effect
Using olive oil for beard makes a difference that you’ll be able to feel soon after you take up applying olive oil as part of the hair care routine.
Hydration is vital for hair. Extra virgin olive oil is capable of providing it. Its two components, called squalane and oleic acid, are fantastic natural moisturizers.

They penetrate the hair follicles carrying all the nourishment and moisture a healthy beard needs. Apart from that, squalane possesses anti-inflammation qualities that come in handy in case of irritated skin underneath the beard.
The impact of Vitamin E in olive oil softens the hair, and its hydrating capabilities result in a much more manageable beard. A coarse and rough-looking beard is never a good look. Meanwhile, soft and lush facial hair looks sleek and well-cared.
Glamour and gloss can be achieved without special beard oils or butter. Extra virgin olive oil can ensure that your beard has a healthy glow and looks gorgeous.

- Beard growth stimulation while using olive oil works on two fronts: from inside and from outside. On the one hand, by applying olive oil to the beard, you enrich it with Vitamin E which is an excellent beard growth stimulant and an effective antioxidant.
- On the other hand, olive oil contributes to the testosterone level increase, which, in turn, leads to the growth of hair. Multiple studies have shown that regular olive oil consumption for just 2 weeks results in a testosterone level boost of almost 20%. So not only is delicious, but it can also help you with patchy facial hair.
- Although effective, olive oil is not magical. If a person has major issues with beard growth, there is no guarantee, that olive oil will solve all the problems. But it will help, that is for sure.
No split ends
- The most productive way to avoid split ends of your beard is moisturizing and nourishing. If you notice that some of the beard hairs have split ends, it’s time for damage control. That means trimming (if the ends are already split, there’s little you can do) and applying olive oil to prevent the split ends from appearing in the future.
- Split ends make the look scruffy and unattractive and should be avoided. Strong healthy hair that is properly nourished and hydrated will not have any split ends.

No dandruff
Dandruff and frustrating itching usually go hand in hand. Excessively dry skin beneath the beard leads to significant discomfort exacerbated by an unkempt appearance. White flakes in beard hair look unattractive and unhealthy. Using extra virgin olive oil regularly, you will prevent such unfortunate conditions and pride yourself in a sleek and elegant look.

A healthy, soft, and shiny beard is also easier to style. Combing and styling a beard that is regularly treated with olive oil is not a burden. Besides, your beard gets more perceptive to the styling products like beard waxes. It will never look scruffy, and even after an extreme exposure (to a strong wind, rain, etc.) it will take only a moment to manage.
Downsides of olive oil use
Life is ambivalent, and everything has its upsides and downsides. Olive oil, too.

To make an informed decision on whether to treat your beard with olive oil, you should always look at the matter from all possible perspectives. So, what are the cons of using the olive oil on your beard?
- Too greasy. Especially if you are the owner of thin hair, olive oil can “overwhelm” it making it look greasy and unkempt. Make sure you wash it off meticulously, otherwise, your beard will look scruffy and even dirty.
- Smells debatable. We all know the olive oil aroma. However, it’s one thing when your salad smells like that and completely different when you do. Some folks will not enjoy it.
- Yeast infection. Olive oil if used excessively may create an enabling environment for yeast infection growth. that’s why, moderation is key.
- Clogs the pores. It can lock the pores of the skin beneath the hair which can cause irritation or other issues.
- Heavy texture. The dense and fatty texture of olive oil doesn’t make it easy for application.
- Low absorption rate. The texture mentioned above does not allow for easy penetration into the skin. That results in a relatively short-term effect of olive oil.
The wisest solution: mix and match
Being an outstanding product both for application and for consumption, olive oil may not be able to satisfy all the needs of your beard. That’s why we are offering a solution: Why not use olive oil in combination with other essential oils? There are plenty of essential oils with absolutely fantastic qualities that, used in synergy with olive oil, will form truly magical concoctions.
Let’s take a look at all these essential oils that have already proven their remarkable qualities.

Coconut oil
- Coconut oil does wonders for the beard hair. One of the best ways to repair dry hair is using coconut oil. Being also an effective hydrating agent, when mixed with olive oil, it provides the beard with a moisturizing boost. Coconut oil is also a great fizz tamer and will help with styling as well.
- Mix coconut oil (~30 ml) with the same amount of olive oil. We recommend adding 10 drops of lavender oil to the blend. This essential oil helps prevent hair loss, and its calming and tender fragrance will make you relaxed and content.
Castor oil
One of the best tools for beard growth, castor oil is extremely popular among the guys not blessed with lush beards. Patchy hair on the face can be frustrating, and castor oil is an efficient way to tackle the problem.

Mix olive oil (~30 ml) with the same amount of coconut oil. Proceed byadding 5 drops of rosemary oil, and finish with 4 drops of castor oil. We recommend adding rosemary essential oil because it’s a great dandruff buster. And the smell is spicy and sensual.
Tea tree oil
This essential oil ensures the health of the skin that often suffers underneath the hair. Besides, it’s good at fighting dandruff and hair loss. Quite the opposite, the tea tree essential oil stimulates beard growth and makes it shiny. Combine 15 ml of olive oil with the same amount of Jojoba oil, lemon oil (4 drops), and 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Then 2 drops of tea tree essential oil go into the mix for a perfect combination.

Jojoba oil is a great addition because it accelerates hair growth and prevents premature greying. As for the lemon essential oil (or lemon juice), it helps unclog the pores underneath the hair, thus improving the skin condition. Eucalyptus essential oil improves hair strength and overall health. The result of this mixture — a magic potion to secure the beard’s health and beauty.
Vanilla oil
Beard growth acceleration, hair loss, and thinning prevention are some of the valuable features of vanilla essential oil. A mere 1 drop of vanilla oil mixed with olive oil (7 ml) and Jojoba essential oil (15 ml), and your impeccable beard oil is ready for application.
Almond oil
These essential oils are remarkable protectors of your hair from damage including sun damage while giving it a healthy shine and softness. Almond oil and olive oil for beard growth is also a very powerful combination.

15 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of almond oil mixed are not only very effective but they are mostly hypoalergenic and usually suitable for sensitive skin.
Beard oil application tips
Finally, let us give you some guidelines on how to apply olive oil (or a concoction of olive oil and an assortment of essential oils).
Before applying essential oils, you need to clean the beard with shampoo.
Towel dry the beard so it’s susceptible to further treatment.
Measurement and application
The amount of beard oil depends on the type of beard you’re wearing. Use 1 drop for a weekend stubble, 2 – for a short one, and 5 – for a lumberjack-style beard. Cover your palms with beard oil. Apply olive oil to the hair massaging it tenderly, then distribute it evenly with a brush.
Let the natural oils do their magic for about 15-20 min by refraining from touching your beard. Then it’s done.

We suggest this treatment as a morning procedure that you can repeat as often as you feel your hair needs.
And finally…
Hopefully, we succeeded in providing you with a compelling argument in favor of using olive oil for beard growth, strength, and overall health. We have also supplied you with several recipes of effective combinations of olive oil and other natural oils. Now it’s your turn to make a choice and perhaps start using olive oil for beard.
Is it good to use olive oil on beard?
Olive oil for beard is a powerful tool to stimulate facial hair growth as well as its strength and attractive appearance.
Which oil is best for beard?
Olive oil moisturizes the beard, accelerates its growth, and makes it stronger. Among other remarkable oils are: castor, vanilla, rosemary, and peppermint essential oil.
Can olive oil fix patchy beard?
Olive oil accelerates hair growth, so it can be an effective tool to get rid of a patchy beard.
What are the best oils for healthy beard?
Among the most effective beard oils are: olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, argan oil, tea tree oil, rosemary, vanilla, eucalyptus, and more.